October 30, 2011

Pancake Breakfast: A How-To Guide

Step One: Make pancakes from scratch.

Step Two: Add in final, crucial ingredient.

Step Three: Pour pancakes on griddle and wait.

Step Four: Set the table, complete with forks, syrup, butter, and peanut butter.

Step Five: Let students play your piano

Step Five-and-a-Half: Teach your teacher your Chinese name. Your English name is for classroom use only.

Step Six: Explain what butter is to students

Step Seven: Eat, enjoy, and pose for a picture!
Emily, Jessica, Melody

Step Eight *at your own risk*: Show pictures and answer questions about family. This includes your  brothers senior picture. Note, you run the risk students taking a picture of a picture to keep forever and having them want to marry your younger siblings.

1 comment:

  1. haha LOVE it! step 8 is a very very risky one i agree ;) hehe thanks for capturing that moment! miss u girls!
