April 5, 2012


Guys, I just love games. You need to know that. "Dictionary" is a classic in my family. So is pictionary, and Scrabble {but i always lose at that one..thanks, mom}. Games with the least amount of needed materials are the greatest to play.

We recently decided to bring Dictionary to the classroom where we provided our students with words that they could not find in their dictionary. Fortunately, none of them went into cardiac arrest, but there was an anxious gasp when they learned that there are, in fact, English words that aren't in the dictionary. At first they didn't believe me when I said it, but the we started playing and they tried to cheat by looking in their dictionaries. These words were nowhere to be found.
Below are some of the words that we provided. There are both student definitions, and the true definition from Urban Dictionary. Education at it's finest, ladies and gentlemen.

-a kind of insect
-a person who always keeps silent

-anything which is so worn-down and clapped out that failure is inevitable. 
Knuckle Sandwich:
-a tool used for cooking
-a dessert that tastes terrible
-a sandwich that has fingers on it
-to administer a mouthful of fist; to punch someone in the face

La La Land:
-a clothing brand
-a city located somewhere in America
-to be zoned out or spaced out. To be in a sort of semi-conscious state until snapped out of it. Usually by a slap across the face or a hand waving around in front of your eyes.

Snot Rocket:
-a person who runs very fast
-a weapon, like a bomb
-when you plug one nostril with your finger, and blow out of the other nostril with everything you have, sending a snot projectile out of the nose.

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